
Are Your Legs Burning Yet?

5 Rounds of:

10 Back Squat
10 Burpees
10 Gut Busters


Post times to comments!


welcometothegunshow said...

I liked this one!! I finished in 17:09. I did 105# on squat, which is the most I've ever done! This whole week was a killer on the legs....

righteouslyripped said...

So did any one else compete this day? Or did you just smoke em all?

Anonymous said...

18 something. Can't remember my exact time, but I know I was sore all weekend.

righteouslyripped said...

Did the guys and girls to the same work out this day?

welcometothegunshow said...

Yeah it was the same workout. We usually do the same thing, we just changed it up that one day because of the muscle-ups.

fatguyinalittlecoat said...

I missed the previous day's(Thurs)workout, so I did that one, which was 50 push press(75#) followed by three rounds of 50 box jumps(24")and 50 sumo deadlift high pulls(45#) and finished with 50 push press(75#). I finished in 16:49.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?