
Filthy Fifty

For time:

50 Box jumps
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings (25/35)
50 Walking Lunges (25 per leg)
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (45/35)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall balls
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Post times to comments!


operationgetsexi said...

23:03 My entire body hurts today from the workouts this week... feels gooood

sixpackinthacooler said...

19:35, this is a PR, and makes me think Fat Guy was fibbing yesterday after his performance.

cubsfn17 said...

23:00 Talk about a full body workout!

fatguyinalittlecoat said...

shut your face keginthecooler I was neck and neck with you until the last few lifts. Fathead. I don't even remember my time from this one.