Rogueadj: no longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable; deviating, renegade
(Disclaimer: We are not an official affiliate of CrossFit. The purpose of this blog is for tracking our own progress in our CrossFit-inspired workouts, and to encourage open dialogue among those involved in the CrossFit culture.)
Jakes WOD
75 pushups 65 sit ups 55 air squats 45 mt climbers each leg 35 push press (95/65) 25 gut busters 15 burpees 5 laps 15 burpees 25 gut busters 35 push press (95/65) 45 mt climbers each leg 55 air squats 65 sit ups 75 pushups
post time to comments!
37:17 can't hardly believe I made it through... it was tough but I"m glad we went 2 times through
37:17 can't hardly believe I made it through... it was tough but I"m glad we went 2 times through
32:10 not a bad workout considering a meathead put it together. Just Kidding Jake.
33:20 I think Abs were sore for a few days!
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