

3 rounds:

21 KB Swings (1 pood/1.5 pood)
21 Pullups
21 KB Swings
21 Box Jumps
21 KB Swings
21 Situps
(taken from www.crossfithardcore.com 8.12.08)

That's a lot of KB Swings!!

Post times to comments!


SpaceRanger2005 said...

"Need more Cow Bell" Finished in
34 minutes. Tough workout...but I finished and that is all that matters.

welcometothegunshow said...

I finished in 28:53. That was a LOT of kettlebells, my hands have the blisters to show for it. And I made it through the whole thing using 1 pood!(35#). Nice job everyone, that was a toughie!

sixpackinthacooler said...

27:14, pretty respectable considering I just got back from Vegas. With the amount of alchohol I have in my system I am surprised I didn't die.

fatguyinalittlecoat said...

27:59, I did push-ups instead of box jumps due to being ill informed or b/c im just a wuss, i really can't tell anymore.