Rogueadj: no longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable; deviating, renegade
(Disclaimer: We are not an official affiliate of CrossFit. The purpose of this blog is for tracking our own progress in our CrossFit-inspired workouts, and to encourage open dialogue among those involved in the CrossFit culture.)
Pain Train
3 rounds:
30 SDHP 30 Burpees 10 HEAVY Shoulders to Overhead (in any form)
Jesse, we actually ended up switching the workout, so I''m going to change the post...Meeks is injured and can't run. Nice time though! We'll do T-$$$$ next week.
23:35 that was 3:13 better than last time. HSPU kicked my ass again. good luck
Jesse, we actually ended up switching the workout, so I''m going to change the post...Meeks is injured and can't run. Nice time though! We'll do T-$$$$ next week.
22:37 (75# overhead) I was not motivated at all before the workout and it kicked my butt
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