Rogueadj: no longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable; deviating, renegade
(Disclaimer: We are not an official affiliate of CrossFit. The purpose of this blog is for tracking our own progress in our CrossFit-inspired workouts, and to encourage open dialogue among those involved in the CrossFit culture.)
7 rounds of 7:
Deep squat cleans (heavy) Burpees Knees to Elbows 400m run (odd rounds)
30:18, with 85# squat cleans. (started w/ 95, but had to go down after 4 reps). This was KILLER, I felt like I could barely move on my last run
31:18 This was really tough. 80# on squat cleans
26:44. It was a hot one and the air was soo humid. plus all the core stuff made it really hard to catch my breath
24:53 This was a good one but feeling it today!
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