
The Red Devil

3 rounds of the following:

400M Run
5 HSPU/10 Modified
10 Deadlifts (135#/185#)
15 Push Press (55#/75#)
10 Deadlifts (135#/185#)
5 HSPU/10 Modified
(taken from www.crossfithardcore.com 8.14.08)


Post time to comments

Nicole and Ryan deadlifting

Nicole showing off her pit stains...so lady-like!

Meeks' hand, post-workout


SpaceRanger2005 said...

Finished in 26:22. Not bad, but it still hurt. I am finally getting to the point of little or no soreness after workouts. Unfortunatly I can't make it today because I got a Thang, but I will try to do the workout tomorrow.

welcometothegunshow said...

OUCH. I finished in 26:53 or something like that. Not too proud of my time, but I AM proud of my deadlifts!!! That's what slowed me way down, but I definitely hit a new PR big time. I did all 60 reps at 135# (Rx weight). For a little comparison...back in April at the CF Challenge I couldn't finish 60 reps of 115# and had to reduce to 105# halfway through. So I've gotten a lot stronger! Now I just need to work on faster :)

Awesome job Meeks, you rocked it!!

sixpackinthacooler said...

17:23 Felt good today, but big props to Nicole she lifted more than 10 pounds over her body weight 60 times. That is an awesome accomplishement.

welcometothegunshow said...

Thanks :) I'm definitely feeling it today though...